
“For God will break the chains that bind his people.”  Isaiah 9:4

Testimonials by Business Professionals and Students

“‘Who are you and what have you done with my tired, super-stressed, husband?!’”

“That’s what I heard from my wife after three days of her being back from a week away. Durrell has re-instilled the simple and eternal truths of Jesus Christ in me, enabling Godly, right attitude(s) to re-emerge, thereby regaining some sanity in my work life. Has work itself gotten all that much better or less crazed? Not so much. But, Durrell’s prayerful discernment and Godly wisdom, delivered with specific prayer and insightful “to do’s,” literally turned my attitude and countenance by 180 degrees. His giftedness enabled me to better grasp biblical truth and begin applying it immediately. Hallelujah!”
– J. Lesser, Telecommunications Management

“Our men’s ministry recently had the wonderful experience of hearing the testimony of Durrell Nelson.  He shared from his personal experiences from climbing mountains to fishing in wilderness situations.  His message was exciting and was well received by the audience.  I would recommend him for any function where God’s name would be exalted and where men and women would be desireth of hearing the truth of God’s Word.  I was personally moved by his message and I know your group would benefit greatly from his testimony.  Please feel free to call me if you have questions concerning Durrell’s organization “Heart of the Game Ministries.”
– Dr. Ted Williams, Senior Pastor, Mechanicsville Baptist Church

“Every stage of success I’ve ever experienced in my life has come about with God’s grace, work and a coach or mentor. You can rationalize excuses and fail to hold yourself accountable. A great coach like Durrell sees through it, and helps you stay accountable to yourself. He’s been invaluable to me over these last few months. I would recommend him highly. .”
– Ken Malinowski, Mortgage Loan Officer/Branch Manager

“As my coach, Durrell simultaneously elevated my relationship with the Lord and improved my writing skills. As a sales and marketing person, my belief that I knew what the audience wants blocked God’s plan and method. I’m an independent type A-minus who wants to do things my way. Durrell gently guided me to let go and let God. He connected my writing with Jesus by making His purpose central. Writing my best for God is now my ultimate mission.

 Durrell led me to a continuous exploration of myself for a more personal writing voice. His literary knowledge and teaching skills left me with a structure that enabled and freed me. Durrell supported and encouraged me to excel with Jesus, compassion and prayer. Durrell is a good man, a family man, a community man, and man with skill dedicated to the Lord.”
– Gary S. Hart, Sales and Marketing Consultant

“Durrell, thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance these past few weeks.  It has been great getting to meet with you and sharing a bit about the business I feel called to.  My fiancée  and I are excited about what the Lord has in store for us and we ask that you be praying for us in this time of transition.  Thank you for all of your encouragement and support.  In Christ.
– A. Sease, Student

“The time I spent working with Durrell Nelson was the most productive of my life.  He was able to not only see my potential as an actor, but gave me one-on-one face time to really work out my strengths.  Thanks to a lot of hard work and his excellent professional coaching, I was recently accepted into two top quality acting schools in New York City; American Academy of  Dramatic Arts and New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts – which I chose for their focus on TV and Film.  He’s been both challenging and flexible to fit my needs.  I would recommend him to anyone who’s serious about making acting a career.”
– R. Kerouac, Student

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